Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In a daze

So despite my best judgement I went to work today. I was in a haze all day and hardly remember anything I didn't today. I don't think I will make that mistake again. I don't have any sick leave for work, but I will sacrifice pay to avoid the humiliation I endured today. I am supposed to be the one in charge of a 6th grader and he was the one in charge most of the day, making sure I was doing what I was supposed to do. I felt fine this morning when I got up, so I got ready and went to work. By the time I got there I had no clue where I was. I think I am going to stay home tomorrow to make sure I am for sure better. I will rest in the morning and maybe work on some low stress sewing. I might as well use my resting time usefully. Then my mom wants me to go to her house for dinner and if I am feeling up to it I might go. I don't think I could pass up turkey enchiladas. I am drooling just thinking about it. YUM!!!

I have got lots of sewing done in the past 24 hours, but nothing I can show yet. It is a really big project that if I show pics now, it just won't be done any justice for how cool it is turning out.

Coffee Cozy 11-26-2008 (3)I got my crop-a-dile today, and I already put it to use. I made another coffee cozy with eyelets. I was hoping it would be reversible, but the eyelets I used are not pretty looking on one of the sides. Oh well I prefer the look of the cozies with eyelets and ribbon over the Velcro. This is one I made over the weekend. I didn't have the crop-a-dile yet and the eyelets were a pain. I swore I wouldn't make another. Then Siobhan showed me the one she just got and I bought one that day. I will probably put eyelets in more things now. It is way too easy not to use it for nearly every project.

I need to motivate myself to work on my large project, but I am so tired I feel I should just go to bed. Decisions....So, I sew.

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