Monday, February 2, 2009

A Crafty Day

I did a ton of crafting today and I am quite proud of myself.

DSCN1331First I finished up the Kitchen Swap and sent that today. I can't wait for Classybroad to receive. I hope she likes everything I sent. Even after 10 swaps I still have swap anxiety. The thought of are they really going to love what I spent so much time on, or are they just going to put it to the side and say 'it's ok'. There has been so much stuff that I really love when I receive it, but I'm sure that the part I love the most is not always what the sender meant for me to love the most. Anyway she should be getting it within 2-3 days, so I will find out then.

I also finished my red crocheted blanket that I have been working on. It was another yarn stash busting project. I did have to buy 4 skeins of yarn to make sure that the blanket was a decent size, but I used it all right away, so it never sat in my closet. I really like how it turned out and I am going to put on our bed which I am trying to make more red. The blanket ended up being 45"x60" which is what I was aiming for, but I never measure when making blankets. I just crochet my little heart until the yarn is gone. It is Homespun: Red Covered Bridge for anyone who cares.

DSCN1320The final project of the day were some magnets. I found a blog today that said to use the thumbnails from the back of your old calendars to make buttons. I need magnets, so that is what I decided to do. I used my 2008 Kim Anderson Calendar and the large clear craft rocks. I cut out the pictures and then glued them on with Diamond Glaze. Once the glue was dry I used E6000 to attach the magnets. I love how they turned out. I dug out my 2007 Christian Riese Lassen Calendar and cut all the pictures out for those too. On these I used my Xyron Sticker Maker to attach the pictures to the rocks. It was less messy, but we will see if they can handle the weight or not. I think next time I won't use as thick of magnets. I am not too fond of how far out they stick.

Hopefully I have a job tomorrow, but if I don't I have a lot of stuff that I want to do. I want to take photos of all my fabric so I have a digital copy of everything to take with me to the fabric store to match notions and such. So, I Sew.

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